Version management

Users of Plek can place documents in Plek. For each document, we keep the document history. If you upload a new version of an existing document, it will automatically become the latest version. You can easily view previous versions of a document and restore an old version through the document history. You can always change which version is the 'newest' version. You can also see who has replaced a document.

Viewing and restoring versions

If you want to view a previous version of a document and restore it if necessary, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the document you wish to view the document history of (for example, via Documents in the navigation bar).
2. Click on the document in question.

The preview of the document will open. At the top right, you can see all the actions you can perform for this document.

3. Click on the clock.

The documented history appears on the right side of the preview.

4. Click on an older version of this document to view that version.
5. If you want to restore an older version, click Make this the newest version at the top.
6. Then click on OK.

The version you have just selected is now the 'newest' version. This version is visible to other users in the Documents list. But, of course, you can always change which version is the 'most recent' version.