Signing up for an event

Plek users can sign up for specific events. You will find all public events and all events from your groups (based on your group membership) in the calendar widget on the dashboard (right side) or in the top menu at Calendar. In addition, all group events in groups that you are a member of are also displayed in the calendar of that specific group.

If the event administrator allowed users to sign up for an event, you could change your personal attendee status on the event page.

Sign up for an event

See the steps below to sign up for an event:

1. If the specific event shows in the calendar widget on the dashboard, click on the event.

Only the upcoming events are shown in the calendar on the dashboard. If your event is not there, go to the calendar in the top menu. You will be directed to an overview of all upcoming events. Please search for the event you want to put in your calendar and open it by clicking on the event.

You will now see the event page.

2. Select Attending

You have successfully signed up for the event. If you want to change your attendee status later, you can always go back to the event page and select Interested or Not going below Attending. You will receive automated updates for changes in the event if you are attending the event. 


You can easily add a Plek event to your personal calendar (f.e. Microsoft Outlook).