Form overview


Forms help you to get feedback on specific questions. You can use forms in posts, pages and inside the Program Manager. Forms can be shared with all users on the platform, with a limited number of users or within a group. Forms are available in the mobile app and in the browser version of Plek. When creating a form, you can choose to Duplicate an existing form or create a new form.

There are three templates that you can use to create a new form; poll, quick form and advanced form. The different types of forms serve different purposes and provide you with a helpful preselection of question types and settings. This article will tell you more about that.


The poll template will create a short questionnaire that will allow you to ask one (or more) question(s) in the form of a quick poll. You can create polls for everyone or within a group. Questions are by default mandatory to fill in and you can choose from several question types. Be aware that the answers will be anonymous and that all users will be able to see the result diagrams after submitting the form.

Quick form

quick form will help you to create a more elaborate questionnaire with different question types and is the most commonly used form type on Plek. It gives you access to all the 10 question types from short text input to rating and is advised to use when you send out a simple single layered questionnaire. If multiple questions belong to the same topic you can create a section where you cluster those questions. By default all the questions in the quick form are not mandatory, which will allow the respondent to skip a question. But you can choose to make questions mandatory if needed.

Advanced form
The advanced form offers all the options you need to create an elaborate questionnaire. In comparison to the quick form, it enables you to add question branching which means that you can lead the user to a specific follow-up question or section based on an answer (s)he gives (See ‘Creating a logical question flow’ to get more detailed information). So if you want to receive multilayered input from respondents, this is the template you should choose. The advanced form template contains all the general poll and quick form settings since it is always possible to upgrade a poll or quick form to advanced. 

A general setting that only exists in advanced forms is the option to allow the user to submit the form multiple times. In addition to that you can choose to display the latest given answers to the respondent when reopening the form.