How do I create a quiz (question)?

A quiz is a form that you can add to an information page, a message, or a step in the program manager. Click form > add form > new form > quiz to add the form. 


  1. Give your quiz a title. This title will appear above the quiz
  2. Select an answer option. 
    1. Is only one answer correct? Select Single selection
    2. Are multiple answers correct? Select Multiple selections.
    3. If you don't want to use a question, add a statement
  3. Want to add an explanation to your question? Select '...' > Explanation. 
  4. Is the question mandatory, and should the respondent complete the question? Check Mandatory.
  5. Form your question or assignment.
  6. Form your answer options. Remember to mark the correct answers!
  7. Would you like a respondent to receive feedback on their answer? Check the Add feedback box. Add feedback to a correct answer and an incorrect answer.
  8. Determine the settings for your quiz. You can read more about this here.

Did you create a standard question in an (advanced) form, and do you want to convert it to a quiz question? Then click on '...' and select correct answers. This way, you can convert a normal question to a quiz question.
