Help! I see none or incorrect results for my Smart Conversation

The numbers in my results are different than expected. Are the results of my Smart Conversation correct?

To obtain representative results, honest and unbiased feedback is crucial. Therefore, all responses are treated completely anonymously and confidentially, so they can never be traced back to individual employees. Smart Conversations ensures the anonymity of all respondents. As a result, sometimes no results can be shown, or results may appear incomplete.

Why are my personas, success factors, or responses empty?

A minimum of 5 respondents is needed to display the personas for your team or organization. If there are fewer than 5 respondents, the result will indicate that there are not enough responses.

A minimum of 40 respondents is needed to form a representative view of your organization. As a result, the personas for your round may change over time. Plek calculates the personas based on the completed Smart Conversations.


Why do my responses show a different number of responses than the number of completed Smart Conversations?

To ensure the anonymity of the respondents, only answers to questions that have been answered by more than five respondents are displayed. If a team or target group has fewer than 5 respondents, no responses will be displayed for that team. As a result, the number of completed Smart Conversations may not match the number of responses in the results.


The Activation Manager indicates that 41 Smart Conversations have been completed.

In the Responses, it states that for the question "Are you satisfied with your work at Plek?", there are only 33 answers for the entire organization:

  • In team A, 21 people answered the question
  • In team B, 12 people answered the question
  • In team C, 4 people answered the question
  • In team D, 2 people answered the question

Since Team C and Team D have fewer than 5 responses, these are not displayed in the responses. Therefore, the counter for responses is 33 for this question.


My results show fewer than 5 answers! Is the anonymity of my employees still guaranteed?

Yes, the anonymity of your employees is still guaranteed. The responses visible in the results of the Smart Conversation are based on the number of completed questions. Sometimes a respondent may leave the question blank.


For the question "Something seems to be changed in your answer. Can you elaborate?", there are 3 responses found, while the Smart Conversation was completed by 70 people. This means that for the selected target group, 3 people submitted an answer, and 67 people left the question blank. Because the answers are anonymous, you cannot trace which five people gave an answer.

Smart Conversations is part of Plek Empower and Plek Engage. For more information about your organization’s Plek subscription or Smart Conversations, please contact your account manager or send an email to