Rights of users on Plek

On Plek, different rights exist for users:
  • User (User)
    Most users have the role User. Users are a full member of the organisation. They keep themselves informed through channels and information pages, but normally do not have access to produce or modify content in those places. Sometimes an exception is made that does allow users to post in a particular channel. In any case, users can always post in groups and post comments under others' posts. They can also create their own groups or be appointed as administrators of a group.

  • Admin
    A number of users are Admin. As an Admin, you are a kind of moderator of your Plek, and have access to almost everything within Plek, including the Admin panel. In there, you can, for example, create a taxonomy or modify other users' permissions. You also have access to statistics. In addition, message admins can post messages in all channels and, for example, make themselves or others members of closed groups without permission.

  • Content manager
    For certain users, being a ‘content manager’ (and not an Admin) is sufficient. Users who are content managers can create, edit almost all content and view statistics. They cannot access the Admin panel and, depending on your organisation's requirements, content managers can or cannot post in (certain) channels.

  • External-access
    In addition to regular users, external users exist. These are people from outside the organisation who are on (part of) your Place to collaborate with people from within the organisation. External users only have access to the group(s) they are members of. All content in these group(s) is visible to them, but all information outside these groups remains hidden from them; for example, channels, general information pages and general documents.

  • Read-only
    The last user type is read-only. This allows you to let someone see your Plek without giving them an active role. This person cannot post messages and the like, but can view all public staff information; on the contrary, these users can view the content of channels, general information pages and general documents.

Adjusting users' rights

To adjust users' rights, take the following steps:
  1. Hover your mouse over your name.
  2. Click on Admin.
    You are now in the admin panel and immediately see the user overview.
  3. Find the user whose permissions you want to change and click the pencil icon on the right.
    You are now taken to the basic information about the user in question: e-mail address, name and rights. Here you can set which permissions this user gets.
  4. Select which role this user should be given.
  5. Then click Save.

The user's permissions have now been changed. You can always change them again later. 


By default, an external user is not visible to all Plek users. As Admin, you can check the ‘platform’ option for an external user: then this external user will be visible to everyone and can therefore be invited to groups by everyone.