Smart Conversations Results: Responses

Is it possible to view the respondents' answers to the questions from my Smart Conversation?

Under Responses in the results apge of your Smart Conversation, you will find an overview of all responses to all questions asked. You can view the results for the entire organization or for one of your teams or departments.

Filter the results of your Smart Conversation

  1. If there are multiple Smart Conversation topics, first select the topic for which you want to see the relevant success factors.
  2. If there are multiple rounds, first select which round you want to view. From the second round onwards, it is possible to compare rounds with each other.
  3. Select whether you want to view the success factors for the entire organization or just for a team or department.

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Anonymity of respondents guaranteed

To ensure the anonymity of the respondents, only answers to questions that have been answered by more than five people are displayed. If a team or target group has fewer than 5 respondents, no responses will be displayed for that team.

As a result, the number of completed Smart Conversations may not match the number of responses in the results. Also read: Help! I see no or incorrect results for my Smart Conversation.

Smart Conversations is part of Plek Empower and Plek Engage. For more information about your organization’s Plek subscription or Smart Conversations, please contact your account manager or send an email to