Inviting or Adding a Group Member



As a group administrator, you can invite users to your groups. This article shows you how.

Inviting or adding a group member

1. Click Groups in the navigation bar.
2. Then click on the group you want to add someone to.

You are now on the group page.

3. Click on Group members
4. Then click on Add members.

A screen appears where you can invite new members or add them to the group.

5. Find and select the person(s) you want to add to the group and then click Invite members (1). The users now receive an invitation. Are you also a platform admin? Then you can also add users to your group directly without an invitation. To do so, click on the Add members button (2).


You will see this person in the Group members tab under Invited group members if you have invited someone. However, if you added someone directly to the group, you will see that the user immediately appears under group members.