Import users

Import multiple users and user data via an import file

It is possible to import a group of users at once and use this to create or update multiple accounts at the same time. In this article, we will explain step by step how to add users to your Plek environment via an import file.

The import feature for admins is disabled by default. If you want to use this feature yourself, please send an email to

Import file

To run an import, the import file must meet the specifications below. An import can only be run based on a CSV/XLS(X) file. The data in the file must be delivered exactly as in the example below:

In the first row of the file put the name of the information in the column. This name will later appear in the selection menu when importing.
Voornaam Achternaam Email Extra profielveld
Jan de Bruin HR manager
First name 2 Surname 2 Email 2 Extra 2
First name 3 Surname 2 Email 3 Extra 3

Requirements and limitations for the import file:

  1. No formatting and/or links
  2. No hidden rows
  3. No merged columns
  4. No use of formulas
  5. With the above indicated order of the full surname <insert> <surname>
  6. In columns instead of comma separated text
  7. The minimum required field to be imported is the email address. This is also leading, additional profile fields are updated based on this field.
  8. The email address cannot be broken and the import file cannot contain duplicate email addresses.
  9. If your creating a new user, also the first and surname are mandatory.
  10. It is not possible to import dates/birthdays and/or profile pictures.
  11. It is not possible to import multiple taxonomy terms in 1 cell (so like multiple selection dropdown for example).

Other profile information

Additional profile fields can be added as additional columns in the file. In the example above, see the 4th column, containing the function that will be imported along with it.

Not all profile fields can be imported along by default. This depends on two factors:

1: The profile field is available within Place

2: The profile field is 'open' for an import transfer

Do you miss a profile field during import or are you unable to add information to a profile field during import? If so, please send a mail to

Import steps

Once activated activated for admins, the import can be done via the step-by-step plan below.

  1. Go to the admin panel by hovering your mouse over your name and click Admin.
  2. From the user overview, click on 'Import users'.
  3. Select a file from your computer which meets the required specifications, as described above.
  4. Link the fields (columns) from the import file to the profile fields in Plek.

    The area shaded in red in the image above shows the profile fields available in Plek. The dropdown windows on the right side show the columns from the import file.
  5. Once all profile fields from the import file are linked to the profile fields in Plek, a number of additional actions can be set up.
    1. Add users directly to one or more groups
    2. Assign users a role (standard user)
    3. Give users a default language setting
    4. Automatically complete taxonomy terms (only applicable when a profile field is linked to a taxonomy)
    5. Send a welcome email to all users from the import
    6. Send a welcome email only to users whose data has been updated
  6. Finally, click 'Add' and the import will be performed in the background.

Please note that especially with large import lists, it may take some time to complete the import. The system does not provide a real-time status overview.

Do not close the browser and give the system time to process the data. If you are curious about the progress, after a few minutes you can refresh the user overview screen or the user overview in the admin panel in a new tab to see if the data is already available.